2016 RiverWare User Group Meeting Colorado River
NCAR/UCAR Center Green Campus Auditorium
  Tuesday, August 23, 8am - 5pm
  Wednesday, August 24, 8am – 12:30pm
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Climate-Based Operational Forecasting with examples from the Tarrant Regional Water District
  Taylor Adams and Nick Mander—Hydros Consulting, Inc., Laura Blaylock—Tarrant Regional Water District

Recent advances in climate science have significantly improved the accuracy and accessibility of global climate data. Operational planning for water supply systems can benefit from these advances by incorporating real-time forecasting algorithms. We provide an overview of the steps involved in climate-based operational forecasting, using examples from a recent application of the methods for Tarrant Regional Water District.

Click HERE for a PDF version of the presentation slides.

☼ CADSWES.colorado.edu ☼ Last edited September 6, 2016

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