Number | Summary |
RW-6917 | Multi-Window in Window Layout does not preserve dimensions of docked windows |
RW-6920 | Applying layout with a Multi-Window containing a Plot Page can duplicate the Plot Page |
RW-6927 | Auto backup save gives an unwanted beep |
RW-6938 | RPL comments have line breaks inserted when they are copied and pasted rather than wrapping |
RW-6942 | Running Optimization with Unit Power Table method enters near-infinite loop and uses all memory |
RW-6944 | Window Layout Manager Sometimes Not Reopening Rules in RPL Viewer |
RW-6945 | Script dashboards for non-executing scripts show run progress bars |
RW-6946 | Window Layouts are not cleared when workspace is cleared in batch mode, can accumulate in subsequent models |
RW-6948 | Error with URGWOM in newest RiverWare release |
RW-6949 | Create Snapshot script action does not allow agg series slot columns |
RW-6950 | SCT Show Recent Snapshots option does not show columns of agg series slots |
RW-6951 | Right clicking blank area of SCT causes Crash |
RW-6952 | SCT Color Alert Thresholds do not persist for reference slot with different unit type |
RW-6953 | Auto Backup Save Configuration has a blank icon for the folder |
RW-6955 | RdfToExcel executable crashing without error |
RW-6956 | Crash in Ensemble Data Tool when visualizing slot from deleted Slot Group |
RW-6957 | Changing application font has unexpected impact on Script Dashboard with conditional actions and subscript actions |
RW-6958 | CSV output mismatch rdf output - CSV precision problem |
RW-6960 | Strings can be applied in table slots but do not get written to the String Manager |
RW-6961 | String unit type appears in the Unit Scheme Manager |
RW-6962 | Trace Directory DMI no allowing for spaces in files correctly |
RW-6963 | Crash reopening RiverWare Data File in Output Manager |
RW-6965 | Raise Diagnostics functionality causes RCL batch mode runs to fail |
RW-6966 | Window Layout does not preserve plot page dimensions and hidden plot list |
RW-6967 | DMI Invocation Records can bloat a model file and are unnecessary |
RW-6968 | Excel DMI to table slot works even when configured to use Series Slot settings |
RW-6969 | Model load time might be improvable |
RW-6970 | RPL displays look terrible when system scaling is changed to something other than 100% |
RW-6973 | Applying a window layout that includes a Slot Viewer can fail to clear slots shown in the viewer |
RW-6975 | Error about invalid unit type conversion makes SCT unusable and may cause a crash |
RW-6976 | Crash reopening model with SCT open |
RW-6978 | In the EDT, analysis results are incorrect when using a RPL function due to a unit issue |
RW-6979 | RiverWare dongle license is not working in 9.2, 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 |
RW-6984 | CWMS RADAR (CDA) Web Services DMI warning cannot parse the JSON interval |
RW-6985 | RiverWare crashes when loading a model file that automatically runs a script that references a file path that is not valid |
RW-6989 | StorageToArea and ElevationToArea functions do not work during initialization rules |
RW-6990 | Applying a window layout can result in open Multi-Windows that should be closed |
RW-6991 | Snapshot creation is slow with many series slot notes and SCT open |
RW-6993 | license related issues |
RW-6994 | An unexpected error occurred when using a RPL DATETIME function in a script to set the start date |
RW-6995 | Iterative MRM test slowed down due to fix affecting prepareForMethodExecution |
RW-6996 | Changing the timestep the model is set at when opening results in any other models opening in that instance to also open at that timestep |
RW-6997 | Unexpected value from GetMaxOutflowGivenInflow() |
RW-6998 | App font is not preserved across sessions |
RW-7000 | Error message about DMI meta-control file does not include a file path |
RW-7001 | SCT columns are not re sizing even though the box is checked to automatically resize |