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RiverWare Resource Database Message
The message that is displayed when a Resource Database file is not found during the initialization of RiverWare has been changed. The new message reads:
Unable to locate the Resource Database “RiverWareDB”;
Objects added to the Workspace from the Palette will have standard units.
The old message did not explain the consequence of not having a Resource Database file, which caused concern over the validity of models run without it. The RiverWareDB file is only used to initialize the default display units for new Objects when they are placed on the workspace from the Palette. The lack of a RiverWareDB file means that new Objects are created with RiverWare standard units as the default display units. Previously created models are completely unaffected by the lack, or presence, of a RiverWare Resource Database.
RiverWare always stores internal values and performs calculations in RiverWare standard units, regardless of the presence, or lack, of a Resource Database. Display units, as always, are simply a user-configurable GUI representation of the internal values. Model run results are not affected by the Resource Database or the user’s choice of display units.
Revised: 01/11/2023