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Objects and Methods : Computational Subbasin : User Methods : Account Equal Priority Allocation
Account Equal Priority Allocation
The selected method in this category is executed by the SolveWaterRights RPL function; see SolveWaterRights, SolveWaterRightsWithLags in RiverWare Policy Language (RPL). The method specifies how allocation of water is calculated for accounts that have equal priority dates.
* None
No method is selected for handling equal priority accounts during the SolveWaterRights RPL function.
An error is generated if there are accounts with equal priority dates in the computational subbasin when the RPL function is executed.
* Share Proportionally with Limits
This method, if selected, is executed under the SolveWaterRights RPL function; see SolveWaterRights, SolveWaterRightsWithLags in RiverWare Policy Language (RPL). When two or more accounts are encountered with an equal priority date, this method iteratively shares available water based on the proportion of cumulative water right to available flow, limited by the minimum downstream proportion. See Computing Appropriation Without Subordination for Equal Priority Accounts in Accounting for information on the Water Rights Allocation solver and a detailed explanation of this calculation.
Revised: 01/11/2023