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Special Attention Notes and Known Issues
The section describes special attention notes that indicate changes in functionality that require you to update models, cause model results to differ, or display a warning message when you first load a model in RiverWare Version 8.5.
If you have any questions, contact RiverWare Support:
Analyze Ensemble Data Set Unit Changes
Within the Analyze Ensemble Data Set script action, a change was made to use internal units in all statistical computations. In some cases, this could lead to slightly different results. See Analyze Ensemble Data Set in Automation Tools for documentation on this action.
Scalar Slots with Expression Evaluation
A scalar slot with expression previously did not clear automatically when evaluated during a run. Thus in cases that it should have had NaN, it retained a leftover value from earlier evaluations. To fix this Scalar Slots are now reset/cleared before evaluating. Conceivably, this could lead to numerical differences although none were found in testing.
DSS DMI output changes
Compared to previous versions of RiverWare, in certain situations, different results could be output from DSS DMIs. In RiverWare 8.3, the DSS Database DMI was re-implemented. In the process, a change was made to how RiverWare reads missing values or writes NaN values. In the 8.4.3 patch and 8.5 release, the behavior has been reverted to the pre-8.3 approach.
Revised: 06/04/2022