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These methods determine if hourly power load data should be part of the economic valuation of hydropower.
* None
This default method does not use hourly power load data.
* Hourly Load
This method calculates the load for each time step as the sum of hourly system load and load adjustment values that are input prior to the beginning of the run.
The Thermal methods use this data for calculating the economic value of hydropower. The Block Hydro methods do not use this data.
Slots Specific to This Method
 Load Adjustment
Type: Series Slot
Units: power
Description: Correction to the specified system load, frequently NaN.
I/O: Input only
 System Load
Type: Series Slot
Units: power
Description: Combined load to be met by both thermal power sources and hydropower.
I/O: Input only
Revised: 12/03/2021