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Stream Gage Account Slot Inflow
The following Rio Grande-specific methods are available on the Stream Gage.
* Reconcile Rio Grande
This method computes the total accounting Slot Inflow to reconcile the physical and accounting flows based on the water type of the accounts. Accounts with water type “SanJuan” have their Slot Inflows set to 0.0cfs. The remaining total reconciliation water is then proportioned to the Slot Inflow on accounts with the RioGrande water type.
Method Details  
The logic is as follows.
1. Get a list of all the Inflow slots on accounts with water type RioGrande. and register each as a dependency.
RioGrandeInflowSUM = Sum of RioGrande Inflows
2. Get a list of all the Slot Inflow slots on accounts with water type RioGrande.
3. Get a list of all the Slot Inflow slots on accounts with water type SanJuan.
4. Get a list of all the Outflow slots on accounts with water type SanJuan and register each as a dependency
SanJuanOutflowSUM = Sum of SanJuan Outflows
5. Get the StreamGage.Gage Outflow.
6. If the RioGrandeInflowSUM is zero, then divide any Slot Inflows equally to all Rio Grande accounts.
Otherwise, for each account with water type RioGrande:
7. Set Slot Inflows on accounts with water type SanJuan to 0.0.
* All San Juan Chama
All RioGrande account Slot Inflows are set to 0.0. The Gage Outflow is then divided evenly by the number of SanJuan accounts and set on each SanJuan Slot Inflow.
* All Rio Grande
All SanJuan account Slot Inflows are set to 0.0. The RioGrande Slot Inflow is divided evenly by the number of RioGrande accounts and set on each accounts Slot Inflow slot.
Revised: 12/03/2021